
Showing posts from December, 2023


    Entering college life must be difficult because, in this part of achieving the goal you want in the future, you need a lot of effort to be able to meet those goals. You need to be ready so that you will not experience trouble in the future. Tips won't harm the students who are willing to learn and grow in the future. This can be helpful for preparing for college life. TIPS 1. Don't Cram! Cramming overstresses the brain and strains it beyond its capacity. Anxiety, annoyance, exhaustion, and even disorientation is increased when the brain is overworked too much, too frequently. The brain requires time to breathe, unwind, and refocus, just like the physical body does. 2. Plan Ahead and Stick to It! Plan ahead is to plan, to make arrangements, for something a long time in  advance. When you plan something, you simply intend to do it, typically at a specific time. 3. Ask for Help Asking for help doesn't mean you're stupid or inadequate, it simply means you need help w...